Friday, December 25, 2009

A Putney Christmas

was spent with men I've grown up with. A few pints of ale at the local pub set the tone for the day. Amol's pork roast ensured we didn't go hungry. The rest is not history but made for a good time.
I'm not Christian but I can enjoy a good christmas.

Saturday, December 12, 2009

Hangover thoughts

Xmas parties are serious business, a realisation over a hangover. Especially in a day with 18 hours awake, 8 at the office and the rest in a few bars around town. Rankin, Josie, Richie...good souls and all too human....just like the rest of us.
Note to self : Pick up Nons from Paddington, train arrives at 1520.

Monday, September 07, 2009

District 9

The must-watch this year, blows you away with its multiple layers. Excellent!
Village voice does a better job reviewing it. Read it.

Saturday, August 29, 2009

Moving on

Everything's changing again. The post-LSE honeymoon began to unravel from June with Papps and 4 moving base. Bell and Adroit still remain the wide-eyed wanderers, un-jaded and carefee. And as for the devil, he wears pants with gold zips along with past baggage, ideals, grand dreams and cynicism. Sefton gets ready to pack up.
Everything's changing.
Nathen broke into a smile the minute he saw me, maybe he knows his dad and I are great mates. Shinjini was wary, maybe she didn't like the sight of this strange bearded man wrestling her dad, but she'll know her dad and the strange man are great mates too, having done many of life's journeys together. Ved looks out from the corner of his eye sheepishly when his Ammaman admonishes him, but comes running into his arms with a smile when his uncle wants a hug, maybe he knows his mum, dad and I are one team. Chengez, Chinaal, El Presidante and Indira Pillai's son.....still struggling with the thought of settling down, but maybe we'll get into the last coach of the train heading to the world of crying babies, nagging wives, and yet.........junior falling asleep on your shoulder and the Mrs. staying up to have dinner with you alone after a long day will make it all worthwhile.
Everything's changing.
But change, that's not something new. Sometimes the turn towards something better went awry along the way.. and the sudden turn towards darkness led us into light later. But change came along, resisting it led to stagnation.
Everything's changing...again, and its not what happens that matters............its what we make of it that truly does.

Friday, July 31, 2009

Dubai 2014

A post after a long while seated at the Dubai airport (excessively opulent as ever). Mum has meandered into the duty free by herself, women and shopping - they can never get enough!! The last trip home was a hurried one, but very fulfilling - can hopefully achieve more this time around.
I continue to pen thoughts at random times, but privately. These days the urge to write occurs most strongly when I make attempts to solve life's puzzzles, in trying to understand and address the emotions of oneself and people in my life. And these are matters better left out of the public space. Opinions, on the other hand, are something I prefer to be vocal about and I exhaust myself trying to explain and further inform my point-of-view.
I will be swarmed by children this time around, none my own, all the progeny of friends and family. I like kids until they decide to bring the roof down; and car keys, funny faces and you're assumed I'm-cool-with-kids attitude doesn't seem to be of any help. A bail-out from parents or grandparents is my resort.
Boarding in an hour. An old pair of headphones I owned finally broke. Time to get a new one.

Saturday, March 07, 2009

Sunday, March 01, 2009

Monday, February 02, 2009

Winter sailing

The snowflakes continue to fall in the twilight,
Softly, and in no hurry,
As the earth and all its wounds are covered in a blanket of white
We tried to discover the sea of tranquility in waters unknown,
Little did we realise that it would form on land,
No waves, and ripples none,
just an endless swathe of quietude,
stretching over tree branches, roof tops and...
....almost seamlessly into the mind of a weary traveler
bringing calm to both earth and man.
The sea of tranquility won't last forever,
it will melt and the waters will vanish forcing us to confront what had lay hidden,
but the first blade of green grass, the tender leaves breaking out on the maple trees,
will be a reminder of hope, of growth that cannot be stifled
and the promise of a fresh start.

Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Dream On

Sometimes we reach junctures when following our hearts seems impossible and the world pushes us down paths we wouldn't have consciously tread upon. But walk we must further on, along paths unknown. Our fantastical dreams of the future, our companions for the journey.

To you 4, for introducing me to this song. Get well soon.

Thursday, January 08, 2009

Recession in real terms

I walked down to the local GP's surgery this morning to register myself. An unusually bright sun lit up the sky. It wasn't a busy day at the surgery and probably was the reason why the nurse was quite chatty. As she took down my details, she got to the point of employment and I unashamedly had to admit that I wasn't in any form of employment.
So well, it's official now, the NHS records have me listed as an unemployed 28 year old Indian man.