Friday, November 10, 2006

In transit

Seated at the Dubai International airport, and I have another 4 hours before I get my connecting flight to Bangalore. What better way to spend these hours than getting something up on my blog. I have a couple lying very close to my feet, tired backpackers!! I can understand. The airport's quite busy for a weekday and has a vibrant mix of people, europeans, americans, asians. Flew in with Emirates , it's a good carrier, the food is quite good and what I appreciate the most is the inflight entertainment, the range of movies available for viewing is close to 150, and even better you don't have to wait for the flight to take off to start viewing. You're ready to start watching the minute you settle in. So boredom on the flight is is cut to nil.
My body's mightily confused about time and it won't get any better. He's been through 3 time zones in a matter of 3 days. Just when he thinks its time to go to bed and lo! we have daylight again. Shall give him time to recover in bangalore. Right now, need to get myself a coffee and maybe a bite to eat.

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