Sunday, January 07, 2007

NY Moments

  • Travelling in the boot of a minivan, along with 11 others who were seated a lot more conveniently!
  • Views from Empire state building, Manhattan's a concrete jungle.
  • NY traffic, a cab took us in reverse rom one signal to the previous, crazy but fun!!!!!
  • Century 21, great store, set a personal record for shopping time.
  • Dumb charades on our way back, Benny proves he's a star!!!!
  • The discovery of Lakshmi, the silent lady was pulling our legs by the end of the trip
  • Ihop, fabulous pancakes, had breakfast there twice, second time Benny and I parked ourselves there till they closed.
  • Madame Tussauds, if the security cams over there ever get released to the public, Benny and I are in loads of trouble.
  • Coffee at Starbucks, one rainy New York evening, with all the couples revealing their "how -we-met" stories. Boy-o-boy, some stories they were....
  • The bull near NYSE, there's a myth that goes....stock brokers rub the balls of the bull for good luck. Think twice before you shake my hand!
  • Lakshmi and the Japanese couple trying hard to take a snap without her in it.
  • Having our NY old timer Gopi, take us around NY streets for 2 hours in search of an Indian restaurant(which he knows is in the vicinity for sure!!!), only to find it closed and finally land in Subway/McDonald's
  • Walking down Times Square in the evening, the lights!!
  • Dhoom's sub-titles, that had us laughing for a long time.
  • The winds on our way to Liberty Island, the skylines, Brooklyn bridge....

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