Thursday, July 12, 2007

Give us the news!

Who gives a damn if Paris Hilton goes to or gets out of jail?
Who gives a rat's ass about Bipasha's infidelity?
How on earth does it make a difference to my life if a certain Prince called William gets back with his girlfriend?

I'll tell you news that would make a difference to my life:
  • Tell me about the possibility of terror cells in India, especially after the shattering of the myth of Indian muslims being immune to jihadi calls.
  • Tell me what runs through Muqtada'smind when he sees American military bases in his country.
  • Tell me about the plights of the farmers of Vidharbha, when nature puts them through drought and floods, both in the same year.
  • Tell me about the changing face of Tibet, the continuing plunder of Africa's resources, the Latin American rise against USA
Many media houses, the diseminators of information, seem to forget that they bear upon themselves the responsibility of nurturing a well-informed public. Paris Hilton's immoral antics may amuse the public, but does nothing to improve's it's understanding of the world. Between an amused public and well-informed public, I think the latter holds a better chance at taking this world forward safely.

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