Saturday, August 11, 2007

End of a chapter

It happened silently, the severance of the relationship, the end of my association with one of India's largest software service providers. As of 10 Aug 2007, 1700 hours, my employment with the organisation stood terminated. The network adminstrator effortlessly deactivated my ID with a single click of the mouse, it symbolised the end of a 5 year association. I have been asked quite often whether it was hard. I wouldn't call it hard, but I may miss a few things solely because the daily functions of swiping in, meals/coffees at the foodcourts, browsing the intranet, ...etc had become a part of life. What is hard instead is leaving behind the friends who had come to mean so much to me in this span of time. I was touched by the gifts and emails, I couldn't fathom that I meant so much to a few people. That was my greatest honour as I left the gates of the sprawling campus.
Hi I'm Suneel, I'm 27 and unemployed..... and the world has never looked better.

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