Monday, September 17, 2012

Social Activism

Our roles as either employers or employees provide suitable excuses to prevent us from playing a more active role in society, vis-a-vis social issues. The employee thinks that an employer is more suited to affect change in society by virtue of her power, wealth and connections. The employer's gripe is a lack of time and hence imagines that an employee with a defined role in the organisation will have time to offer a social cause, unlike him who has to constantly juggle between various roles. While there is truth in each other's claims, maybe the greater truth is that everyone has limitations that prevent them from pursuing a social cause that is close to their heart. Families have children to take care of, the poor have to worry about their next meal, denizens in big cities have to wade through traffic/crowded trains to get anywhere.......which makes it an effort to accomplish anything which is not an necessary/urgent requirement. Maybe the solution is to pick up an issue/cause in the immediate vicinity not necessarily with the aim to change the world, but to take small steps in changing the environment around oneself. Obstacles do help provide an explanation when goals aren't met. But I suppose there's good reason why we celebrate the individuals who have attained their goals despite the obstacles in their path.

Eisley -I wish (Album : The Valley)

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